Monday, March 5, 2012

Whatcha eatin?

Nutrition is an important part of running. Scratch that. It's an important part of healthy living. But when you run all the time, or even if you exercise regularly some other way, it's crucial that you are giving your body the proper fuel it needs to keep going.

Hydration is key! Water water water. Carry a reusable bottle around with you all day- you'll find yourself mindlessly sipping at it. And that's great! You need to keep your body hydrated so when it's time for that workout you don't get awful cotton mouth or worse, pass out. But you need more than just water. Start stocking up on sports drinks, like Gatorade and Powerade. They're packed with sugars and vitamins to replenish what you sweated out during your workout. They're also full of electrolytes, which again is something you lose when you sweat so you need to take in more. There are awesome flavors, so you can never complain that you don't like them! I always keep a bunch in my fridge, and I highly recommend you do the same. Stock up when they go on sale!

When you're eating, make sure you don't skimp out on calories! Carbs carbs carbs!! Load up on those carbohydrates; your body needs them as fuel to burn off during your run or workout. So eat lots of pasta and bread. Pasta dinners before a race is always a good idea; in fact, it became a big social for my cross country team in high school! Other good carbs are potatoes, bagels, bananas, cereal, and apples. Your body also needs a lot of protein to repair your muscle tissue after a run. So for protein, you're going to want to get plenty of peanut butter, lean beef, chicken, yogurt, and nuts. Always feed your body after a run to replenish everything you've lost and to help the recovery process!

So here's what I want to know: what are your favorite things to eat/drink before and after a workout? Do you consume anything specifically because of your workout, or do you tend to eat as you normally would?